NASA EPSCoR Rapid Research Response (R3) Program

The FY2023 NASA EPSCoR Rapid Research Response (R3) Program Announcement is available for download. Please read the narrative below carefully, especially on critical dates.

The NASA EPSCoR Rapid Research Response (R3) Program is a collaborative effort between NASA EPSCoR and the NASA Mission Directorate programs/offices. The goals of R3 are to provide a streamlined method to address research issues important to NASA, and to enable NASA EPSCoR researchers to work with NASA to solve research issues impacting the Agency’s programs/missions. Each funded NASA EPSCoR proposer shall work closely with a NASA researcher to focus on developing competitive research and technology for the solution of scientific and technical issues of importance to the NASA Mission Directorates. The Rapid Response Research (R3) program is an attempt to implement research within NASA and commercial partners to address technical issues. It will allow EPSCoR researchers to work alongside NASA and commercial partners for up to one year and is intended to strengthen the bonds among EPSCoR jurisdictions, NASA, commercial partners, and other entities.

  • Potential proposers must notify the Maine NASA EPSCoR office of their intent to propose. Each jurisdiction can submit up to six proposals. The Maine NASA EPSCoR program office will coordinate proposal submissions on a first come first serve basis.
  • Proposals must be submitted by the Maine NASA EPSCoR Director.
  • Proposers are strongly encouraged to contact the research task point of contact (POC) to discuss their proposed submission.
  • Proposals can be for up to $100,000 for a period of performance not to exceed one year. Cost-sharing is not required.


  • FY 2023 NOFO Release: September 16, 2022
  • Proposals due at MSGC: November 30, 2022
  • Proposals due  at NASA: December 15, 2022
  • Awards Announced (estimated): April 3, 2023

Download the FY 2023 NASA NOFO for the R3 Program.

Click here to view abstracts of funded NASA EPSCoR R3 projects in Maine.

See NSPIRES for up-to-date information.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal please contact Dr. Terry Shehata