The NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, or NASA EPSCoR, establishes partnerships with government, higher education and industry that are designed to effect lasting improvements in a state’s or region’s research infrastructure, R&D capacity and hence, its national R&D competitiveness. In addition to the research and technology development, the awards enable faculty development and higher education student support.

The NASA EPSCoR program is directed at those jurisdictions that have not in the past participated equably in competitive aerospace and aerospace-related research activities. Twenty-eight states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico currently participate. Seven federal agencies conduct EPSCoR programs, including NASA.

The goal of NASA EPSCoR is to provide seed funding that will enable jurisdictions to develop an academic research enterprise directed toward long-term, self-sustaining, nationally-competitive capabilities in aerospace and aerospace-related research.

NASA EPSCoR Objectives

  • Contribute to and promote the development of research infrastructure in NASA EPSCoR jurisdictions in areas of strategic importance to the NASA mission
  • Improve the capabilities of the jurisdictions to gain support from sources outside the NASA EPSCoR program
  • Develop partnerships between NASA research assets, academic institutions, and industry
  • Contribute to the overall research infrastructure, science and technology capabilities, higher education, and/or economic development of the jurisdiction
  • Work in close coordination with Space Grant to improve the environment for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in the jurisdiction

Main Components of NASA EPSCoR

  • NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development (RID) Program. The 2021 RID program is OPEN!
  • NASA EPSCoR Research Program solicits topic-specific proposals addressing high-priority NASA research and technology development needs. Awards are up to $750,000 for a three-year performance period.  We are currently soliciting proposals in anticipation of the official release of the FY19 competitive announcement.

Visit NASA’s EPSCoR website for the history on the National EPSCoR program.


NASA EPSCoR Rapid Research Response (R3) Program

NASA EPSCoR International Space Station Flight Opportunity

NASA EPSCoR Suborbital Flight Opportunity

NASA EPSCoR Research Funding Opportunity